NTCA Membership Benefits, Categories and How to Join

Thank you for your interest in joining the National Tuberculosis Coalition of America (NTCA) or in renewing your membership.

Membership Benefits

Membership in NTCA provides an opportunity for you to collaborate with and learn from your colleagues in TB care and prevention. Membership offers opportunities to participate in educational programs, to join committees working for positive changes in the TB field, and to network with your colleagues across the United States.

"NTCA is the premier TB organization in the US focused primarily on domestic TB. Members of the organization have the opportunity to engage in and participate in policy setting workgroups, numerous education and training events, network with some of the most renowned TB experts (including case managers, providers, researchers and others) in the world."

Membership benefits also include a $100 discount on the registration fee for the annual TB conference, invitation to the quarterly all-member calls, opportunity to participate in NTCA's community of practice for TB program managers, access to the new NTCA member portal, and reduced pricing for NTCA publications. Other benefits are noted below under each membership category.

Membership Categories

NTCA currently offers institutional and individual memberships.

Institutional Membership for TB Programs with Cooperative Agreements: $900

For TB programs in state, city, and territory public health departments that are directly funded through CDC Cooperative Agreements. This Institutional Membership includes the position of the TB Controller/Program Manager and 8 additional staff positions, selected by the TB program. Additional memberships for staff, not included in the initial membership allocation, are available at the discounted rate of just $50 per additional position (a 50% savings off the individual member rate). Substitutions can be made in the event of staff turnover, retirement, or other changes impacting the nature of the work done by the individual named to the position.

The TB Controller/Program Manager, or a designated representative, may serve on the NTCA Board. All members in this category are eligible to vote in NTCA Board elections. These members may also choose to join the NTNC, NSTC, or SETC sections, vote in elections for section officers, and serve as section officers. There is no additional charge for joining a section. All members in this category may participate in NTCA and section committees as committee chairpersons or members.

Institutional Membership for TB Programs without Cooperative Agreements: $350

For TB programs in state, city, and territory public health departments that do not directly receive funding through CDC Cooperative Agreements. This Institutional Membership includes the position of the TB Controller/Program Manager and 2 additional staff positions, selected by the TB program. Additional memberships for staff, not included in the initial membership allocation, are available at the discounted rate of just $50 per additional position (a 50% savings off the individual membership rate). Substitutions can be made in the event of staff turnover, retirement, or other changes impacting the nature of the work done by the individual named to the position.

Members in this category may also choose to join the NTNC, NSTC, or SETC sections at no additional charge, have the right to vote in elections for section officers, and may serve on the executive committees of the sections. The president of each section is a voting member of the NTCA Board. In addition, all members in this category may participate in NTCA and section committees as committee chairpersons or members. Individual

Membership for TB Controllers: $180

The TB Controller/Program Manager, or a designated representative, receiving cooperative agreement funding, may serve on the NTCA Board. All members in this category are eligible to vote in NTCA Board elections. These members may also choose to join the NTNC, NSTC, or SETC sections, vote in elections for section officers, and serve as section officers. There is no additional charge for joining a section.

All members in this category may participate in NTCA and section committees as committee chairpersons or members.

Individual Membership: $100

For individuals not included in institutional memberships and who are not TB Controllers/Program Managers.

Members in this category may also choose to join the NTNC, NSTC, or SETC sections at no additional charge, have the right to vote in elections for section officers, and may serve on the executive committees of the sections and on all NTCA committees and workgroups. The president of each section is a voting member of the NTCA Board. In addition, all members in this category may participate in NTCA and section committees as committee chairpersons or members.

Please note: Individuals who work in local health departments (city, county, district, or regional) in states or territories that purchased an institutional program membership for cooperative agreements are eligible to receive a $50 discount on individual membership, a 50% discount off the price of an individual membership. Call NTCA staff at at 678-503-0503 to see if you are eligible for this discounted membership.

Student and Retiree Individual Membership: $50

For students and those who have retired from positions in the TB field, individual memberships are available at the reduced rate of $50.

How to Join NTCA

Memberships are on a calendar basis, with dues are due at the beginning of each year. Membership dues can be paid online, by telephone, or by mail.

Payment Options: 

  • Credit card: Payments are accepted through Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or American Express.
  • Check, money order, or purchase order: Make payable to The National Tuberculosis Coalition of America P.O. Box 260288 Atlanta, GA 31126
  • ACH deposits: Please contact us at 678-503-0503.

If you're a 2024 NTCA member, you will receive an email to renew with an invoice based on your current membership. If you haven't received your renewal email, please contact us at 678-503-0503.

If you're interested in becoming a member, please start the process by completing our membership form. If you have any questions, call 678-503-0503.